Saadiya Hanshi: A Story of Hope and Resilience
Farmers and agro-pastoralists in Somalia are struggling to produce enough food to meet their daily needs due to the country’s critical food insecurity situation. Four consecutive failed rains have left vast areas of land parched, with no relief in sight. The scorching sun and dry heat make life difficult for farmers in many parts of the country.
WARDI’s field Officer present during land preparation
However, Saadiya Hanshi, an agro-pastoralist in Siigalow Village, Beletweyne District, Hiran Region, Somalia, has a different story of hope and resilience. Saadiya is a widow and the mother of nine children and many grandchildren. She juggles between domestic chores and attending her farm as the breadwinner for her family.
Many farmers in Beletweyne district rely on rainwater because they do not have the means or know-how to access the water from the nearby Shabelle River. Drought and floods, widespread insecurity, and a lack of access all posed insurmountable challenges to farmers’ in this region.
Most Farmers were frequently forced to abandon farming during dry seasons and return when the rains came because they lacked the means to water their farms.
“We have the river, but we didn’t have the means or resources to use its water before, but now that we have a water pump for our farms, we can water our crops throughout the year without worrying.” “Thanks to WARDI and Action Médeor for this project,” Saadiya explained.
WARDI Relief was able to provide agro pastoralists like Saadiya with land preparation, distribution of seeds, farm tools, fertilizer, storage drums, and training sessions with the farmers in the district.
“We are helped to tilt our land; we are given fertilizers, farm tools, and even have training sessions.” “We have the skills to tend to our crops,” explained the cheerful Saadiya.
While other farmers have faced numerous challenges and hunger has risen due to the country’s worst drought in decades, Saadiya is staying afloat.
Now, thanks to WARDI Relief with funding from ACTION MEDEOR GERMANY, Saadiya and her neighbours have been able to strengthen their household food security through the Food Security 3 project. Many like Saadiya Hanshi can now grow a variety of crops like maize,beans and sesame enough to provide her family with meals for a day, and to earn extra income to cover other basic needs.
“I’m looking forward to a better harvest next season and I will continue farming throughout the year without waiting for the rainy season thanks to WARDI Relief and action medeor Germany,” she said.